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"Rising in popularity, side sleeping can be an effective remedy for back pain, snoring, sleep apnea or acid reflux"
A life long back pain suffer, Dr. Carl Cricco, Jr., M.D. consulted back pain specialists - orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, physiatrists, and chiropractors - and their advice was unanimous: sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs to align your hips, pelvis and spine and take pressure off your lower back.
Most side sleepers use 3-4 pillows to get comfortable but they don't stay in position through the night . A better pillow, designed specifically for side-sleeping, is needed.
Built from scratch specifically for side sleepers, snuggL is the first 3-in-1 pillow in the industry invented by a doctor.
The unique full length L-shape of the ergonomically sound pillow creates the ideal alignment of the head, neck, and spine - adapting to your body's needs throughout the night - alleviating neck, back, hip, and knee pain.
Such a pillow didn't exist so we designed one, then made them here in the United States. Then we've also tried making it in China (current). We are now bringing it back to the USA over the next few months to again do our part in rebuilding and investing in our economy